Cost of Sleep Loss

What is the cost of sleep loss?

Sleep loss—especially the deprivation of deep (or slow-wave) sleep—is associated with numerous chronic health conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety, dementia, depression, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes. It also negatively impacts cognitive function, attention, and decision-making abilities.

Beyond these health effects, sleep deprivation has significant economic repercussions, costing an estimated $680 billion annually across five OECD countries—$400 billion in the United States and $60 billion in Germany alone. In Australia, the direct and indirect costs of sleep disorders are estimated to equal 1 percent of the GDP.

Sleep-related work absences result in the loss of approximately ten million working hours each year in the United States, 4.8 million in Japan, and 1.7 million in Germany. Furthermore, reduced sleep adversely affects productivity; a study of U.S. companies estimated the annual cost per employee to be between $1,300 and $3,000. Additionally, sleep deprivation not only diminishes employee performance but also increases healthcare costs for employers.

Sleep is an investment in the energy you need to be effective tomorrow 😴

How to counter sleep loss?

According to sleep researchers and physicians, individuals can enhance their sleep by maintaining consistent sleeping and waking times, engaging in early-morning exercise, reducing alcohol and caffeine intake, and avoiding blue-light exposure from screens for at least an hour before bedtime. For employers, recommendations include acknowledging the importance of sleep for health and workplace performance, offering amenities such as napping booths and gyms, and discouraging after-hours work.

How to receive the best sleep with Honesy?

Honesy Dream Easy Products

Honesy Dream Easy oil, capsules, and gummies are carefully crafted for the best quality sleep, made with CBD, CBN, terpenes, and natural extracts that promote relaxation. 

These products help the body reassess its sleeping patterns, manage stress levels, provide deep sleep throughout the night, and help you wake up refreshed. 

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